Answers to the all the questions we thought you might ask, as promised.
What should I wear?
The weekend’s events are cocktail attire, but you are encouraged to wear bright colors for the wedding and reception. Please keep lawns and gravel in mind when planning footwear.
Our wedding will be mostly outside, and towards the end of the evening it could get chilly- weather depending. Bring a jacket so you’ll be prepared! We’ll have a coat check on site.
Are children invited?
No. While we love dearly all the children in our lives, we also want our friends and family to enjoy a night untethered. If you need help in arranging local childcare for the weekend, please let us know and we can help to coordinate that!
For Friday night, please use an Uber or Lyft to get to our Welcome Party. For the ceremony and reception, transportation will be provided! Please see our events page for details on pickup timing and locations.
How do I get to the events?
Santa Barbara recommendations?
We have a ton! Please click on our Santa Barbara page to get more information on fun things in town to drink/ eat and enjoy!
Well if you really want to know the story, you can read this little blurb Marc wrote HERE.